

Tapestry of the Unseen
In shadows where silence looms,
An invisible thread whispers our glooms.
Binding souls with unuttered strife,
A tapestry woven from the fabric of life.

Loneliness waltzes through the dark,
Flickering hopes, like extinguished sparks.
Yet within this abyss, a glimmer persists,
A thread of connection through the haunting mists.

Each knot a memory, each stitch a lament,
We traverse the chasms where heartaches are spent.
Through sorrow's embrace and anguish profound,
It’s the invisible thread that forever unbound.

In the unraveling, resilience is born,
In the silent communion of hearts bruised and worn.
For through every fracture, every painful bend,
It’s this invisible thread that weaves us, my friend.
© rat de bibliothèque_femme