

Don't Compare
I understand if I'm not your first
It doesn't bother me
Cause now your mine
But stop comparing me to them

I understand I might have similarities
Everyone is still different
Just so I do something to u familiar
Does not mean it's the same

When your name and my name are together
No other name should be spoken
It doesn't just ruin the mood
Makes me feel like my name isn't good enough for yours

If I bite your neck like a vampire
Don't call me Dracula
Only other name I'll accept other than my own
Is if u call me daddy, but only when commanded

Everyone has a scent
Like personalities, similar
Though you can always tell the difference
So stop trying to smell old roses & smell my newly calendula

If all we do is just cuddle
I would love that
Just don't say our comfortable position
Is like that of another comfort

The love that'll surely give
Is like no other
The way I feel for you is unique
But to you it's something that you've felt before
So its bland and you won't love me back

Please don't compare me to no one
I am me
I already don't like myself enough
So love me for I
Or else my heart, spirit, mind, & soul will just... die

© Jack G.