

Can't write at all
Mind stiff from words
that can't come out,
hands that won't write life
because of a dead line
twisted and formed in the lump
of the throat, I hate to shout
but my voice is hoarse every time
I try to draw.

I don't get it, am I in a slump?
I don't get it, why do I feel like this?
I don't get it, how did it turn like this?
I don't get it......

Somehow I'm paralyzed
and life's ticking,
waiting, not really
but it is certainly running,
away from me.

Did I not have a choice?
I wish I was simply ill
with a cure I can simply drink
so that I wouldn't think
that my hopes gone down to shrink.

I hate whatever this is
it's sticking to me forever
and it's affecting the white canvas
into nothing, coloring my world
into a sad fantasy of mime imagination.

A director of my own play,
but an audience with no choice
but to watch the movie play,
I am in dismay.
© miryelleY.

#art_block #writer's_block #depression