

I Know That You Are Not Good For Me
I know that you are not good for me, but yet still I want you

You are like the cigarette that’s bad for my lung and yet when you touch me my body hum these beautiful notes in groans and high pitch tones of ‘oh my gosh' and 'baby I’m gonna cum'.

I know that you are not good for me, but yet still I want you

You are like a consistent over consumption of alcohol that’s bad for my health and yet when you kiss me, it’s the most intoxicating feeling that I have ever felt, the kind that makes me want to melt.

I know that you are not good for me, but yet still I want you

You are like my constant intake of excess sugar one step on my way to diabetes, and yet I can’t help the way my body reacts to every kiss. Nor can I control the way your lips brush against my neck as you ravenously feast on my breast, and you glide your hands down my thighs only to discover that I'm soaking wet.

I know that you are not good for me, but yet still I want you

I am a slave to my desires and so I close my eyes to all your cruel ways and open my body to you giving you complete access because I crave the way you make me feel loved and seen. You are the drug that keeps me high. You are my caffeine.

I know that you are not good for me, but yet still I want you.
© thatweirdislandgirljm