

Dear God
Ooh dear God!
From the ages of juvenile,
I've seen, but have not yet.., been there.
trials crafted beyond perfection,
Their beauty,dazzling I've never seen
Before in all of my life. They were like
The stars ever been crafted in the sky,
Of which no soul could resist, but God
I had to persist and exercise my patience.
Trials in unusual configurations, so exotic!
Were like multitudes of fishes in the ocean,
in a very unconventional and eye-catching fabrics.
That at one time caught up my eyes,
and almost drown into the very same ocean
I thought was placid but entirely void.
I Was like the great "king of jungle" searching for
The most fat and bracing animal in the wild.
Like the the roots of a tree searching deep down for
The most well ground with moist but the ground was dry.
In every coast of the world I've been searching but none
So bracing have I found. Each day the sun rise.
All that my eyes discern are of my own being with their owns.
I tried for ages to contemplate for one, but at one time
I sat, examining and assimilating thoughts of all casts.
I prayed and exercised in the line of faithfulness but
Nothing out of the ordinary came. I thought none
Of this was worthy for me, and had none but myself to blame.
Until this day I've been for ages casting round for the one.

© Lufuno Nefox