

My little brother..............😂😂😂
I have no siblings. ‏But I have many cousins. ‏I didn't like children at all.😂
😂😂‏But when my cousin came into this world, ‏I started liking children😆😆‏😆
‏I had a strange feeling when I first picked up my cousin bro.
‏My brother's name is Usman.he is very naughty۔ ‏I call him my fat cat.and he say sis you are also my fat cat.😂😂
My other cousins ‎​​ask me why sis loves Usman more.‏
‏I'm say because he is devil like me.😂😂😂
Everyone in the house calls us both devils ‎😈😈😈
My other cousins ‎​​are very jealous of us because we both annoy them so much.😂😂😂
but I love my little bro.🥰☺️❤️......‎