

The Nightmare I survived
An odious nightmare on yesternight
Mercilessly it did strike my eyes.
Terrorized me to the deepest like
As if it snatched all my skies.

Dreams' castle went to pieces
Toppling walls of tender paints.
Compassionate Dome which it upheld
Did disperse as mirror fragments.

Intensely dreary the sight was
Displaying mine sweetheart's loss.
Blockage arrested my veins, I felt
Heart underwent a brief pause.

Frightened, my eyes stretched
Flooding cheeks with tear tide.
Turning my vision beam around
It focused, she was resting beside.

Cuddling her hairs, the kisses I performed
Turning rosy, she curled up in my arms.
Shifting self to bottomside-up
Caressing my cheeks, were her palms.

Spirited words she showered on me
Uplifting me from the tremor.
Angelic grace she's drenched of
Did spread in the entire chamber.