

Harsh Reality
I hope you are happy. But the sky is still the sky without you, and I'm not surprised by that anymore. It used to be that every change in the world after I had left it would be void of significance, as if the universe itself stopped spinning when I took my last few breaths. But life has a peculiar way of moving on, proving that we are mere specks in the grand existence.

The nights no longer hold the whispers of your voice, the soft melodies of your laughter that danced in my ears like a gentle summer breeze. Gone are the days when you so effortlessly brought color to my life. Yet somehow, the world around you remains vivid and vibrant, painting a picture of a life moving forward without you. The sun still sets in hues of gold and orange, casting long shadows that disappear into the darkness. And the moon still rises, a silent reminder of the passage of time.

I remember the day we said goodbye, how the heaviness in my chest seemed unbearable. I watched you walk away, disappearing into the distance as if you were never part of my life. And in that moment, I questioned whether the sun would rise again, whether the stars would continue to twinkle and the flowers would bloom come spring. But the world didn't stop turning. It kept going, as if it never missed a beat, as if your absence was nothing more than a hushed secret whispered among the wind.

The love we shared was intense, overwhelming even, but it wasn't meant to last. Fairy tales don't always have happy endings, and sometimes, life intervenes, tearing people apart like an invisible force pulling at our seams. But life doesn't leave us in the ruins of shattered dreams. It carries us forward, with or without our consent.

I've learned that happiness can be found in the most unexpected places. In the way the rain falls on a summer day, gentle droplets kissing my skin as if to remind me that even in sadness, there is beauty. In the way the leaves rustle with the wind, creating a symphony of nature's song that fills the silence left by your absence. In the moments of solitude, where I've found solace in my own company, embracing the person I've become in the wake of our love's demise.

So, yes, the sky is still the sky without you. The world keeps moving, indifferent to the void you left behind. But that doesn't mean your absence is any less significant. It doesn't diminish the love we once shared or the memories etched in the depths of my heart. You were a part of my story, a chapter that shaped who I am today.

And though the sky remains unaltered, I will always carry a piece of you within me. I hope you are happy, wherever life has taken you. But know that the sky is still the sky without you, and I'm not surprised by that anymore.
© Jevanjee