

Angels 🥂
Today... I really wanna tell you,
That I miss you!!!
My heart feels,
I'll be much better, once I get to Hold you...

People say, "Elder sisters are next to Mother."
I guess... It's True...
Whne I had you, there wasn't a thing that had me bothered...
You took care of Everything Around,
You always had my Back and helped me Calm Down...

I do Remember...
The soft touch of yours on my forehead,
When I used to be knocked down by Viral
And was covered with sweat...
Even though, you scolded me from time to time,
Now, I know, how those Helped me to Shine...

I do remember...
Those moments of you, secretly adoring me...
Assuming me asleep, Cuddling and Kissing Me..
As if, I was a Barbie doll
That mom got you for Free...

You helped me tame my Demons within,
And taught me how in every situation to hold up my Chin...
I miss the way..
You never let go of my hand
While walking on the streets...
My childhood without you, my dear,
Would have been so Incomplete...

But not to forget, our horrible fights,
And then Gossiping till midnight...
Laughing and Giggling like Insane,
To be Honest, I wanna relive those Moments Again...

P.S. I've also made a video related to it.. to view, checkout my instagram handle @chestnut_writes

© Chestnut_writes❤️