

Ouroboros: A Song in Five Cantos
Canto 1: Flesh-Eater

Said it yourself when you said it to me

The quickest way to your heart is through meat

Hopefully after you read this you'll see

You weren't the one who was supposed to eat

Swallow your pride as I suck on your tongue

Absorb your ego and chew on your doubt

Digest every song I know that you've sung

Rip and tear all that youre better without

Kiss your heart back together, bloody lips

Silver-tongue-needle, stitching every piece

Pull it together, tie knots at the tips

Make room for myself within to find peace

Kiss it so long as I stitch my way up

Remind myself that I kissed you to sleep

Kiss you again but to help you wakeup

Kiss away pain so I won't watch you weep

Canto 2: Sin-Eater

Chew on every time that I've made you cry

Choke on each hurtful thing you said to me

Bite off more than I can chew and we die

Promise I won't but know we'll have to see

I tried to chew sin but just broke my teeth

Melts in your mouth like cold, cuttlefish ink

Harder than an ancient, dead coral reef

Deeper in the ocean than I can sink

Swallowed my sin, but it caught in my throat

Knowing everyone who glances will see

And think I'm not the Poetess who wrote

Everything I did that made you love me

Canto 3: God-Eater

Ghost of a God he was worshipping keeps

Him in possession and keeps him from me

Dig up it's rotting corpse while my love sleeps

Swallow it's sin first so maybe he'll see

It cannot hurt him more, once past my teeth

Gods without worship disappear like ink

Bite off it's tongue so no echoes sing grief

Swallow its brain so he knows it can't think

Anything less of him, I won't retain

Every mistake it made, idiot-god

Swallow each drop of blood so it can't stain

Him as a trauma, an echoed God-Flawed

Rip off it's flesh so it can never bind

Grind up its bones and its broken teeth too

Death-grip with mandibles, rip from your mind

Eat her so she can stop eating at you

Canto 4: Sun-Eater

Eat everything that is greater than me

Swallow the angels that sought for revenge

Choke back the tears that you dont want to see

Down shots of fire before they can singe

Pray that they may burn my ink-sin away

Do what I know you want more than life to

With heaven devoured, no gods left to slay

Watch as I swallow the sun for you

So I can finally deserve your love

I'll kiss it through your lips and watch you shine

Swallow the darkness you shine bright above

Let us be everything, me yours, you mine

Canto 5: Ouroboros

I am the dragon that swallows it's tail

Biting it because it displeases you

I am eternal, eternally fail

Digesting everything that fails you too

Sun-Eater, God-Eater, Sin-Eater, Flesh-Eater

Ouroboros; I am Self-Eater too

Voracious transcendence; Dæmon-God's Deleter

Eat everything in me not made for you

Eat up my drive if you think it's too much

Swallow my pride so I can love you true

Stop shooting fire if you dislike such

Ripping to nothing so I can't hurt you

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