

This is my anthology
Not looking for apologies
Just writing what appears to be
The chapters of my Eulogy

Each and every sentence
is encrypted and distraught.
He wrote about his love and hate imprisoned by his thoughts.

He tells the story of a wounded page
That didn’t want to burn.
But the flame was far too close to it
the author would never learn.

Fire and pages will never mix.
Paper and gasoline
Fuel the image found within
His thoughts are so extreme.

Oil and water, Candles lit
The words don’t seem to mesh
The letters want to choose their font
But the writer wants to rest.

The pages seem to turn themselves
Igniting when they graze the flame
Pretty soon they’ll be nothing left
as the author goes insane.

His pen decides to write the pain
he felt thorough out his life.
Not forgetting his one true love,
he writes about his wife.

Knowing once he turns the page
The words will turn to ashes
The flame will die,
His memories fade
His life before him flashes.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨