

My secret letter to my future.
Hello dear future
I will share something with You
what you have to give me new
and I hoe you will do it due
i also hope you will keep it secret
not share to anyone

so what you have decided for me
you can give me and own it me
but one thing you have to keep in mind
don't give me the one who are two faced
as I have learned less but one thing fully
dealing with them is like play with fire

you will give more or less it will be ok
but one thing you have to remember
don't stole mine peoples from me
it's easy to live world in every condition
but faraway from beloveds is very hard
so always keep it in consideration

one thing more you have to remember
that's not only thing but very important
to keep my trust fully on my Lord
whatever it will be will be his kindness
so backing face off with him shouldn't
praying him full should be my first aim

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