

Friend who is a stranger..!!
its cold.Its rude.Often its kind.
It leaves us choiceless.
Just like us it moves on
But it makes us stop and look back
It makes us sad,Regretful and anxious.

It make marks on thoughts
as signatures of nature
and reminder of species
It moves on and enjoys the fun.
Often its rude and chaotic
More than everything its still a stranger.

A stranger we gave birth to
A stranger we hand held with us till the end
A stranger we are uncertain of the charector
A stranger we are unaware of its Skills and traps
A stranger who makes love with space
A stranger who never leave any suspicion on its agenda.
A stranger who is cold,Mysterious and Unending

Loop it dear human
And be the loop
that loops for ever and ever
From the sands to the stars
From the worms to sperms to galaxies
From the atom to the cosmos
From the seed to the jungle
From the grass to the mountains

The stranger who is cold,mysterious and suspectful.
The stranger in the house