

Confidence is FINE

The look of confidence on a person looks breathtakingly beautiful
The one that is never afraid to try new things
The one who knows his or her worth
The one who is not afraid of change and changing
I saw one today, a display of total confidence and bravery
He was holding on to a car while wearing roller shoes
In the midst of a thousand cars
I would love to think of it as a thousand
He wasn't afraid of the cars or how large or how close they seemed to be to him
I didn't see any hint of nervousness or anxiety
He just looked like he was enjoying that moment
Living in the moment
I said to myself in my head that I could never do that
But I found his confidence and bravery refreshing
I didn't find the way he carried himself with any form of braggadocio...he didn't need any form of empty boasting
He left me in complete awe
I was surprised someone could do such a thing without being scared
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