

My Toothbrush Speaks ....

My talking toothbrush speaks to me,
Every time I brush my teeth, you see.

It tells me jokes and funny tales,
And sometimes even sings in different scales.

It wakes me up in the morning light,
And Says, "Rise and shine, it's time to fight!"
Against the cavities and the plaque,
By day and night that's Right..

It tells me when I've brushed enough,
And warns me if my breath is rough.
It even reminds me to to take a floss,
And rinse my mouth with some minty gloss.

But sometimes, it gets a bit wild you see,
And starts to even shout at me.
It makes funny noises and sounds,
And spins my head round and round.

I try to ignore its silly way,
And focus rather on my tooth decay.
But then, it says something so absurd,
That I can't help but laugh like a bird.

So here's to my talking toothbrush,
The funniest brush in my bunch.
It calls back after every lunch.

It keeps me entertained and clean,
And makes brushing my teeth, the funniest scene.

© Blue Whale Media for Life....