

parent's sacrifices
© khy^nn

every children have something to their parents
a hate? a love?
or just something that is natural

and every parents have a lot for their child
not a hate, but a love

a son get's mad when not bought a phone
so his parents did

a daughter was mad for not having a beauty products
so they brought her

a kid was mad for not having toy
so they give him

a baby cries for being hungry
so they feed her

but a mother cry in silence
a father dealing with body ache
and the son, the dauther,
every member of the family doesn't know it

when a child cries,
the parents comfort them
when a child laugh,
it's always because of them
and when it's their birthday
the parents always have some presents
but what about the parents?

where is the hug for the mom
the massage for the dad
and the "i love you" for both of them
where is the "thankyou"
the "i'm sorry"

we always think only about ourselves
"i was hurt"
"they never care"
"they never try"
"they never show"

hurt by what?
care for what?
try what?
show what?

they never hurt you
cause they always care
they try to show you,
but you never see

the sacrifices was too much
the pain and bruises
but they never complain

they just need the words
but you never say it

don't wait until it was too late
don't wait to the day you'll never see them
hug them, kiss them, tell them

"mom, dad, i love you
i was thankful to be born in you
that i was your child
i have achieved everything i wanted
and everything i needed
thanks to the sacrifices and love from you"

remember that a word was never enough
but it can heal the pain of everything