


Knock knock on the door.
Who is it?
"It me mate,"
Oh! come in mate.
As i open the door i see a true picture of myself,
Exhausted with the hardships of the outside world,but a glittering smile on the face.
A very handsome dark guy,with mascular flesh.
Sitting in my single room,on my single bed,
A glass of water on the cupboard,alone,we start to chat
"Hey dude,you seem to be in agony but you are smiling,whats holding you up?"
"Dude," life sucks but it can never swallow you,
Life's like a ball,it rolls through ups and downs,
One good thing,the ball hits the net not the player,
Hardships might hit hard on your life,but once you hit the net,everyone celebrates.
Don't be fazed by the trials and tribulations,keep on smiling dude.
Look in the mirror mate,
Ask yourself,do you like the person you see?
If not,pluck out the hell of sorrow in your mind,
The person you see should be eversmiling,
A troubled heart never bring solution,
Be filled with joy and solve the equations."
Well mate,you are one good soul,
Take a sip of water before you leave.
The moment i open the door,i see a shadow of my past vanishing in the air,
I open my arms,glazing in the sky,breathing fresh air,
This is the new me,
I will forever smile till my worries subside.