

* The ones from China * Among 4 men * * Worth the sit up, * * Didn't leave, *

* The ones from China
* Among 4 men *
* Worth the sit up, *
* Didn't leave, *

Corona outside
Karamina in the house
1.5 Gb net is enough
There was no alcohol outside
Don't know what to do now.
You do nothing
But I do not know what to do
I don't know exactly what Corona is doing.
But don't know how to tell if you are hurting those who beat you.
They do not know whether they should stay in the house or go out to kill those who do not kill.
He did not know whether to eat breakfast before or after.
Woke up or didn't know how to prepare for sleep.
They do not know what to write and what to save.
Controversy that will be with anyone. I do not know.
They did not know who to call home or who to go to.
They don't know who to help, or who will help them.
The poet has woken up in me that he has no effect on the brain