

A Weed
I am a weed
I get used to everything

To nonsense in books
To nonsense in movies

To books about success that are nonsense
To educational videos that are nonsense

to everyone's lies
Everyone's lie hopeful life

I get used to it
I get used to it
Because I'm a weed
I get used to it

I laugh at everything that is beautiful to you
My bitter and fake laugh is harder than death

I get used to even silly things
To bow before everyone
To the lie approval of all

Having a kind heart
Damn me, you, everyone
Curse all kind hearts

I get used to
eat myself

Yes, I'm a weed
I get used to everything

I even get used to dehydration
to dry up and die

I have reached a point where I do not argue with you
If you say two times two, it becomes three

I do not interfere

I reached a state where
I breathe without inhaling and exhaling

My feelings don't change easily
If it changes, it will not change again
I get used stay unchanged

© Hossein Keshavarz Amandi

#Life&Life #philosophy #poem #poetrycommunity #alone #thriller