

Tug of War
Again, I try to build upon instead of self destruct

But I am fighting, everytime

It is like a tug of war

My mothers whispers 'you amount to nothing '

My painful childhood, fights this tug of war with me too

Society's judging eyes piercing through me like a laser

Was my case' the good person with a pure heart but
in a wrong place? '

Trying to convince herself throughout this lifetime nothing is wrong with her

She just needs to remove the wrongful echoes in her bones

Whispered by the ones who were meant to protect her,

Love her

But couldn't

But didn't

And that is not her fault

Was my story 'The one who was Surrounded by people who are hurting themselves and misguided?'

Yes, I believe so

But still, part of me tries to build instead of collapse

And oh, it is so difficult

But it is a worthy cause

A worthy fight

© Monarch94