

Resilience in Words

As far as a letter goes,
It was nondescript,
The message it carried was sinister,
A chilling tale from a crypt.

Ink on paper, black as night,
Words woven with a chilling fright,
A tale of shadows, a tale of fear,
A message, cold and clear.

Yet, within the lines, a strength arose,
A defiance against the chilling prose.
For every word of dread and despair,
Ignited a resolve, a will to dare.

The letter may be nondescript,
Its message sinister, its power stripped.
For in the face of fear, we find,
The strength of heart, the strength of mind.

So, let the letter come, let it be,
Its sinister message, we'll set free.
For we are more than words on a page,
We are resilience, we are courage.
© Lily

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