

the love letter that I'll never be sent
to the person i look for in a crowd of people;
to the person who could make my day better with
just a smile;
to the person who has me longing to be in their
arms again;
to the person, i cant guarantee will be in my life.
although we were never together
it definitely felt like we broke up.
i never thought i'd be so hurt,
over something that didn't last all that long.
you're my every thought,
both the reason i cry, and the reason i smile.
i didn't want to write this,
because writing about you,
means feeling every emotion that takes place in
the thought of you;
the absence of you in my arms,
the misfortune of not sharing a laugh with you,the uncertainty that comes to mind when i think of your name.
and the pressure on my heart;
when i think of how our relationship got worse,
and not better.
to be continued......
© vivekparghi_official