

How Could We Even Know
At the end of the tunnel,
There's always a light,
Sometimes soft, at times bright... Dianne saw all the people that she had lost and loved throughout her life.
She was happy to see her last boyfriend that died of cancer and left her broken heart when the cancer finally claimed his life at the age of 23.
As she walked towards the light she was stopped and she heard her late boyfriend tells her " Dianne. Your time hasn't come yet to join us. You must return and complete your mission and once you do I will be waiting for you to cross over the great divide."

All of sudden Dianne was brought back to life and when they asked her what did she remember she said " I saw a bright light at the end of the tunnel but I wasn't allowed to cross over ."

The doctors didn't believe her, but the paranormal experts did as they had recorded similar after death experiences before.

© ladywicca65