

Be The Rain To My Grass
Be the rain to my grass.
Don’t keep off-touch me, let me have you, let me be crass and handle you like brass.

Be the rain to my grass.
The way your drops fall on to my errected blade,
slowly dripping down my earthy body, kissed by the sun before you came.
Quench my thirst for intimacy and love, I want to feel the wetness of your dripping, all day and all night long.

Be the rain to my grass.
I’ll stick my tounge out like a long blade of grass out of place.
I see the rain fall, so wet and warm, I just want a taste.
Let your glistening divine drops drown me with haste.

Be the rain to my grass.
I want your puddles only for me
I don’t want to share you with him her or thee.
You’re soaking wet, even in the pouring rain I could see.
Even in the warm humid air I could feel.
The breath of your rain making me feel everything once more,
once more I feel free.

Be the rain to my grass
Give me life give me love.
Give me purpose,
My reason for growing on this earth,
Is to soak up all that you give me.
Fall on me once more,
I’ll make sure to hold on longer
Before the drop falls,
Be the rain to my grass.