

thee love
this is a story
A story of the one who built me a warehouse storie
He wasn't straight tight
And yes He didn't make pie
Au theory ya pie- thogerous
Lakini he made me niwachapie
That he made me cry
Till my eyes were dry
Yet i had my best moments
Laughing and playing coz that was his momentum's
I don't know if you can hear me
But he died loving me

C titanic we are acting
Or me just bluffing
But remembering him leaves me blushing
And the warmth he gave me ,you just cant imagine
The way he did touch me ,just imagine
Imagine an image torn without a margine;
He took me in my haven ,Leaving me wanting
Him more and more and me moarning
Till the rise of sun in the morning

He is the only one who believed
When i told him am a virgin
My purse still with the margin
Perfect and its not tainted
Though people called me "mtaro"
He said it was sweet juicy and tight-no he belived
And if you ask me ,he never lied
The day he tasted I know he was relieved

We were not that perfect couple
But we were thee best couple
Its like we were hit by cupids arrow
I mean ,who couldn't tell?
He didn't have mihadarati ,usherati au kibandaski
He had a jet ,our own private jet
That fired many rounds as it flew

Did i tell you the time we went to his island
Omg! Their were alot of bananas
Catalised and strengthen to its maxs
It hard a hard strong rocky hill
With a volcano on top

this is a story of my love
the one one only love
the apple of my eye
the love of my life

© ndegef