

Poetry is an art and,
it matters so much to our heart.
Poetry takes our mind thinking in unexpected way,
which makes us happy and gay.

During this pandemic,
we all are staying at home,
and sometimes feel all alone.
At this time,
poetry is like our valentine.
I may be biased towards literature,
as it tells about love,existence and nature.

Poetry is like a rhythm of song,
whose impact lasts long.
We must keep one thing in mind,
poetry keeps us calm and kind.
No matter what is the situation,
it will always give you ideas for new creation.

Poetry is medium of thinking and expression,
it keeps off isolation and depression.
An opening door of new realms of experience and feelings,
deals with abundance of emotional healings.
Cue of poetry gives us power and hope,
show beauty and love as we all try to cope.
There is no super power in wealth,
which can bring you health.
So,during this lockdown have some look on verse,
it will divert your mind from corona curse.
© Jessica Sehgal