

Love Continuum
Even though he possessed everything ,he willingly chose to give it all up for me even when having full knowledge of my having no love for him, he still loved me perfectly and gave up everything and to die for me and even die in my place.This is Love never ending and unconditional.He being love had to multiply. So it makes sense for him to create me for himself.After suffering death he did not stay dead but rose up from it and gave me everything.The spiritual beauty in this is staggering.From the highest brightest glory to the darkest depths ......he did not leave us alone but came to save us and through faith and only through faith in him and HIS work we are saved forever.The perfect circle of unending love now engulfs us in him and through him (this anointed-one, this sacrificial lamb, the kind and gentle Son of God).His mercy and compassion are greater than anything we ever can imagine.Let all honor and fame and glory be his forever because he truly deserves it.
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