

Toy Maker
Toy Maker! Oh, Toy Maker!
Why did you create me,
Create me the way you did?
For I can reason with all I see!

I understand I am flawed
Even to the point of this pen,
My own strength fails me
Unable to reach your perfection.

At first look, it’s obvious:
I am missing my strings,
And I cannot reach the sky;
But, my mind has wings!

I have a heart made of wood
And dreams which float
From here to there, and ev’ry
Which way I turn to gloat.

I can boast of all I do,
Because I am a taker!
I may walk wherever I want,
All, without the Toy Maker.

A seemingly innocent walk;
Yet, I am aware of the source
Of the wind shifting from here
To there, all with gentle force.

It’s apparent I have a back,
Many times it’s facing you;
And I have a dynamic voice,
As if this solely gives me value.

Toy Maker! Oh, my Toy Maker!
Why do I have this knowledge?
Because what puzzles me most
Is, I am carved in your image!

Be still, I hear your whisper,
Listen. Listen above the curse –
I am carved in your image
Because you loved me first.

© David A. Douglas