

She Shined Brightest.
When she needed a family her parents misunderstood her.
When she needed a support her friends betrayed her.
When she needed reliance her relatives called her stranger.
When she needed love her lover found new shades.
When she needed to live, life choose her as it's favourite game.
When she needed death, responsibilities tied her up.
Then she thought to go with the flow, but for her there wasn't any flow but a flood.
Then she choose to rebel and glow,
but for her God reserved heaven but it costed some blood.
She became unknown to Love and Hope,
God hugged her tight and Gifted her with her Voice.
She walked through molten iron but ended up as diamond.
She Shined Brightest
and her gleam blinded them all
and lighted up path for those who never gave up.
© shayara