

I was once spellbound
by your magical words
of sweet nothing,
by your charming eyes
that caught my wandering gaze.

I walked in your footsteps
Like a child trailing the pied-piper
Hypnotized, with dazed eyes,
Like a slave yielding to their master
Traumatized, fearing the sting of ignorance.

I traversed the path of despair,
Colored in scratches,
Hoping for praise,
Colored red in pain,
Waiting for a cure I never received.

And I saw a glint in your eyes
A faint greenish hue
Instead of that shiny golden shade
Which once took my innocence hostage,
Playing me like a puppeteer.

It woke me out of your spell,
A curse that led me around
Places I never would have ventured to otherwise,
A curse that made me wear a mask
That never fit my beautiful face.

© Pandora