

work and man
Seest* ' thou ' *a* *man* ' *DILIGENT* *in his work* , he shall _stand_ before *Kings* [10/8, 10:05 PM] ADE-RUBEE: ' *Seest* ' thou ' *a* *man* ' *DILIGENT* *in his work* , he shall _stand_ before *Kings* and not *mean* *men* .

"Seest" to look at, to find out, make effort to find, to follow the path, trail, to dig for, to search through for, to be watchful for or about, to be on the look out for or about....

'A man'
Or woman, or person, or a group of active minds, who be are alive, who studies books, researches, makes efforts, seeks mentorship, teachable, willing to submit, ready to learn with humility.

Consistent, courageous, creative, pro-active, ready to perform above expected, not conforming to normalcy, takes challenges, refuses to feast on inabilities, and fears, is afraid but refuses to back down, the not your regular if I perish I perish kind, the true fighters, the hardcore positive stubborn success hungry majority...

He shall stand before '
Kings' People who valve gifts, who will help grow, nurture dreams, actualize his goals, push him beyond his set limitations, help them excel, protect their plans and share their ideas and visions and help mature them....

.....And not "mean" men lazy, selfish, unproductive, dream killers, doubters, discouragers, Ill speakers, negative thoughts advocates, men of greed with no vision, fools, fence sitters, procrastinators......

I leave it to you to sort your resolve tonight.
Who are you looking at as role model, what are you digging for, where is your priority.
Sleep well
Da Tokka not