

Are poets needed?
Thought poems are for nerds,
Who don't roam around as herds.
Ironies and similies felt useless,
When we can speak flawless.

Byhearted many poetries in school,
But they only got me bored.
Always wanted to be cool,
So I allied with a mindless herd.

As I grew older, I began to wonder.
Why is life hard ,only to me god.
Searched for a solution, in the midst of all confusion.
But never found a resolve, to help me solve.

Explored the words of Gods
To chase all my devils,
Found a poem in my endless voyage
Which helped me to end it,

Suddenly ironies and similies made sense,
All I did was take a glimpse.
Realised poets are the real santas,
Who wrap their minds in poetic devices and gift it to the cosmos.

© the_black_flames