

I got a hangover for months now—
The kind that aspirins and ice creams,
Hot soups and cold showers can't fix.
I got drunk 515 nights ago,
With something stronger than liquor.
I only had one shot yet it hit me so hard.

I got a hangover but my head doesn't hurt.
Should I be glad that it's my heart instead?
I got drunk with beer, and with us,
With eyes, and gentle hands,
With kisses, and homey arms,
With words, and loud snores.

I got a hangover and the ache comes with memories.
How do I cure this madness?
Although it does feel good sometimes;
It's like I'm able to turn back time.

I'm still drunk and I swear I'm alright,
But can I have one more shot?
–Myka M. Obinque

Photo: @tobi_holzweiler (IG)