


I miss the good old days when romance was a dance,
Whispered promises and stolen glances.
No texts or tweets to interrupt the flow,
Just two of us basking in love's glow.
I miss the energy of love he puts in a handwritten letter,
expressing his love for me and love letters written with a heart full of pain for not being able to stay together..

I miss the good old days
I miss seeing him physically not just seeing him on Instagram or Facebook.
I miss where courting rituals are so slow and sweet
and every gesture is an intimate treat.
A shy glance across a crowded room,
Love blooming like flowers in full bloom.

I miss the good old days
No distractions from screens or social media
Just the two of us entwined.
Slow dances to melodies soft and low
Though time moves on and eras change,
In our memories, those moments will forever remain ablaze.

© Pens with ehiamihc