

Plan B
"So what's your 'Plan B'?
You can't rely only on 'A' , you see"
A voice said this to me
Then my thoughts were floating in a sea.

"I don't have any" was my reply
Am I overconfident? Or what does it imply?
I was lost in a world of voices
All making fun of me & creating weird noises.

"Okay, I'll think of one, till then you all keep quiet"
But those voices didn't let me sleep all night
I didn't knew what was right and what's wrong
But I knew someone is coming fast as a strom.

Then I saw the devil and the angel
Both coming together creating a sense of danger
"Be positive and believe in yourself...
...Work hard for 'A' and you will excel"

"But being positive won't change the reality, really...
...You don't have 'B', accept this silly!!
Things always don't go your way
Sometimes, even the fate betrays"

And they both started to explain themselves
But devil's words went through my nerves
You're right devil, you've gone through something serious
No I don't want to know, I'm not curious.

They are still fighting, in a wish
To prove themselves the best
And I'm busy writing this
With a lot of thoughts in my chest.
"You have to think of plan B, Miss...
...Otherwise you can never take a rest"

© #feelings@1883