

Last Goodbye
Again that pain of losing someone
The whole process of grief for a closed one
I am tired of this now
Feels like now I should bow
In this circle of life and death
Life is of no worth
Why people go like this unannounced
There should be a way to be found
So that loved ones can say a last goodbye
And take a relief of sigh
At least we met them in their last moments
After all we are all humans
We all know life is mortal
But I want to know where is that portal
So I can meet the ones gone at least one last time
And cherish with them the unforgettable time
Time where they supported me
Comforted me and taught me
What is life is all about
I feel like I must shout
To tell God this is not done
To take away a loved one
To go through this pain
Again and again
God is puppeteer and we are puppets of his hand
And this how everyone is going to end
At least we must be notify
So we can say that last goodbye.

दीप्ति Sood