

Tock, Tick, the time tics.
Tick tick,
minutes go by,
hours we lose,
that we can gain no more.

A baby I was,
knowing nothing more than wants,
laying in my mother's hands,
sucking and dripping of nature's milky liquid.

A child I became,
playing around was all to be done in the day,
silent I sat,
watching I did,
swiftly it passed,
my childhood days.

Soon enough,
the age of rebellion arrived at my door,
good I was,
unlike the stories told of time.

Time moves fast i must say,
I just forget the breeze like May.
Time waits for no man,
i know,
but what?
does it matter?

The days go by,
same same,
nothing changes,
stories the same.
when it does change,
adjust we do,
to await the next cycle,
of the day anew.
© #milialate.4