

Asking a Friend?
One day at a time.
Some days I feel okay and others I just want to fade away.
I didn't choose my destination.
I was born into a world of desecration. Let It be.
Just be yet how can I be when I don't even know how to be?
How could I know, when all I know is what you showed me to know.
Death, loss, intrapment, prison, addiction, abandonment,verbal abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse, hate, rage, rape,bitterness, jealousy and ...
I wonder, can anyone hear me?
See me?
Need me?
Oh please, don't leave me in trauma, sickness, guilt or shame!
Did they ever need me?
Did they mean to leave me?
Is it my destiny?
Is it my life's calling to be alone or does it ever set me free?
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