

Let's Go Back
Let's go back
Go back to what we were
Before we became what we are
The silly us that didn't care of others
The secret us that we didn't tell about to others
The us that we made ourselves n not fake like others
The true us that we were to each other
The us us that we were without any other

Let's go back to what we were
Before we became what we are
The US that don't want to look in the eye
The US that don't want say anything
The US that don't know what to say
The US that don't want to be together
The US that don't understand each other
The US that doesn't talk much

Lest go back to what we were
Before we got to what we are
The US that used to laugh
The US that used to talk
The US that used to annoy
The US that used to tease
The US that used to see the future of us
The US that used to dream of us
The US that used to open and free
The US that we were without each other

I miss that us
I miss that me , the me around u
I miss that you, the u that knew how to smile
I miss the real you and me.

Let's go back to what we were
Before we became what we are.
© khushiwrites