

The fragrance of my childhood,
Hides in the folds of your embrace,
Through my sleepless nights, your hands caresses my supple cheeks,
When I became ill and fragile, your eyes became wet and teary the little drops from shattering roof.

When the world became so much for me,
You would pat my thorn stricken flesh and say!!! "Bite it in the face",
Then and there, my voice became faint like the hissing of the brown serpent,
I muttered what seems like no words at all,
I screamed but my throat won't let out any air,
I resulted to fate but you won't let me be.

You reminded me how I could ride on roads not taken,
How I could hide my skin amidst the radiant flowers of the garden,
How I could have the crown without being the queen,
How I could sing without a voice,
How I would fly with no wings,
How I would sleep with eyes opened like the owls,
Then, I felt like the sparrow.

Oh!!! Good heavens, I have been in trance,
Yes, it was all a trance,
I walked breezly to engulf the sweetness of my mother,
Her eyes were cold and not closed,
Now! I am a vagabond in my mind,
Its your pretty lad in here, let me take your place,
Oh! I am awoke again...
It was all a dream.