

My lovely bestu ✨💫
Our internet friendship has gone viral, you are such a good friend, we have gone viral.

Save me from trouble, make it mine, always tell me about your setting.

Like your little baubles, you were busy playing with the gun in the sack, you were giving speeches about the blessings of your teeth like your father.

Like a good brother, he tells me good things, like my good friend gives me relationship advice.

Seeing that people talk and talk about us as friends, but we remain careless about who these people are and our friendship continues like this.

You, my dear brother, I am your little sister, go to hell, all the things in the world, we have remained like this till now, we are good friends, in future also the relationship of Oreo Biscuit will remain like this.

My lovely bestu ✨💫💖🥰💝
© alone girl

#friendship #WritcoQuote #writcoapp #writcopoem