

The comradeship that can't be explained.
Every step is like a knife probing into my heart,
More likely that someone is buckling it inside me to make the pain worse and unforgettable,

Breathing with my mouth since my nose can't help me anymore,
I don't recall the cause but all I feel is hurting,
I'm enduring a lot,
I'm so emotional that sometimes I find myself tearing up without a specific reason,
I'm drowning far deep in the waters with my eyes half closed,

I see the light and I see the dark,
I see myself coming from both sides,
I watch myself from the lighter side strangling and piercing the one from the darker side,
I feel the pain but I don't move,
I see the message but I don't understand,
I see my other self smiling at me reassuringly,
I wonder, I think but I don't understand,
I wake up,
I see my hubby,
He's bleeding, I see the knife in my hands,
I see blood all over my hands and the bed,
I feel nothing but freedom,
I smile,
I'm finally free.
© Earthie 🥰
#freedom @Heav811