Red Steel
© November 11, 2007
Write Naturally Publishing House
...a division of VAN Enterprises
See how the edge gleams in the light?
(I tell ya, there's nuthin' like a good piece of Gillette steel.)
It feels so good in my hand
(And right now, it's all you need...)
But I don't want to use it!
(You know you need it.)
But I'm scared!
(Think of the rush it gives ya!)
I just don't know what else to do.
(You need a release -- you've EARNED it!)
Well, maybe just a little.
(Now you're talkin'.)
I gotta be careful...
(Ah, don't be such a wimp. Go for it!)
Oh, that feels so much better. Maybe a little more...
(Just let your fingers slice and dice.)
I love to see the bright red glimmering on the blade.
(See? ...
Write Naturally Publishing House
...a division of VAN Enterprises
See how the edge gleams in the light?
(I tell ya, there's nuthin' like a good piece of Gillette steel.)
It feels so good in my hand
(And right now, it's all you need...)
But I don't want to use it!
(You know you need it.)
But I'm scared!
(Think of the rush it gives ya!)
I just don't know what else to do.
(You need a release -- you've EARNED it!)
Well, maybe just a little.
(Now you're talkin'.)
I gotta be careful...
(Ah, don't be such a wimp. Go for it!)
Oh, that feels so much better. Maybe a little more...
(Just let your fingers slice and dice.)
I love to see the bright red glimmering on the blade.
(See? ...