

Red Steel
© November 11, 2007
Write Naturally Publishing House
...a division of VAN Enterprises

See how the edge gleams in the light?
(I tell ya, there's nuthin' like a good piece of Gillette steel.)
It feels so good in my hand
(And right now, it's all you need...)
But I don't want to use it!
(You know you need it.)
But I'm scared!
(Think of the rush it gives ya!)
I just don't know what else to do.
(You need a release -- you've EARNED it!)
Well, maybe just a little.
(Now you're talkin'.)
I gotta be careful...
(Ah, don't be such a wimp. Go for it!)
Oh, that feels so much better. Maybe a little more...
(Just let your fingers slice and dice.)
I love to see the bright red glimmering on the blade.
(See? ...