

For the hundredth time
They said they were hurt
Words you heard too well
As it drew you to stay

You listen to the story they told
As they broke you
So what if They hurt
It didn't give them right
To break the very good in you

It was never up to you
To help them
That was their cross to bear
And you knew better

But you stayed
Why did you stay?
Perhaps it's cause you could relate

A piece of yourself
You saw in them
So you wished to save

Yet while pulling them out
You seemed to fall in deeper
Fully submerged underneath
You needed help too

But for some reason unknown
You chose them over you
And as you sank deeper
You watched them walk away
Forgetting your aid

A smile crossed your lips
Another you had saved
And as your head went under
You finally felt peace

© Dena's_poetry