as much as I hate to use this word..
maybe it was just being young
but I can't find anybody
like I once found
T.S. Eliot, Pound, D.H.
Lawrence, Celine, Fante,
Hem and Bukowski,
all those,
most of them alive
when I read them.
maybe it's because I've
lost the first light of
living the life
and nothing is as exciting,
the writers or the life.
maybe I've been writing
too long
and I see
in the new writers
that I might use myself....
but I can't find anybody
like I once found
T.S. Eliot, Pound, D.H.
Lawrence, Celine, Fante,
Hem and Bukowski,
all those,
most of them alive
when I read them.
maybe it's because I've
lost the first light of
living the life
and nothing is as exciting,
the writers or the life.
maybe I've been writing
too long
and I see
in the new writers
that I might use myself....