

True warrior
She maneuvers arduous all day,
She cooks and vigilance for the family,
She nurtures her juveniles,
She fulfills everyone foremost,
Then she dines,
She is a selfless mama,
She is also a good daughter,
She is eternal with her companion in kith and kin of vitality,
She invariably endures everything,
She renunciations everything for the clan,
It is said "God cant take vigilance of all humans, he cultivated mothers"
Oh lord, what an amazing souvenir,
Oh lord, bless our mothers with promising essence,
Oh lord, we thank you for the bounty
Perpetually virtue your "mother"
Not everyone is honored to have "Mom"
She fetches me from all crises,
She is a good mama and true pal,
She compels me "smile" when im sad,
"Mom" cant be depicted in words!
Happy women's day ;-)
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