

A brief description:
Perception of an inmate who still believes a miracle will set him free from a propaganda he is tied up with. He awaits in pain for that moment when he would run to his awaiting family to fulfill the given promises.
Surely they know he would come for the salvation.

Image: From internet.

S. A. Marshal 16.06.2016.

I have that dream to live this day; 
a day at Guantanamo Bay. 
Here I am for what I know not 
and what the law people say. 

Living in here, an empty quarter,
can't see the days as they come. 
A distant scream and chaste no more 
for another ghost of Bagram. 

The no-dusk days seems so long, 
was never in life before. 
Coping up this day, it's a great prize, 
a luck for the family of four. 

Jason the Junior needs a little help; 
he dreams of a justice in him. 
Moyena the starlet has a new passion 
of being at a big silver screen. 

Molly, their mum, feeding them the dreams, 
dreams she never knows of. 
Yet they know she can redeem
in the never ending love. 

She's full of strength, for she has her man 
who'd never let her cry,
Till the heavens shrill and the earth stands still,
and his soul leaves him to die.
© S. A. Marshal