

Trapped in the Light
The light now doesn't set me free
All around, the rays weave a cage,
Lays bare the ever simmering misery,
Traps my soul in grief and rage.

I recede from the light in pain,
In shadows, I find my repose,
The brightness drives me insane,
The darkness assuages my throes.

The light animates all those things,
Things that I don't want to see,
Things that are wrapped in feelings,
Feelings of things lost and misery.

Why does it torment me so?
Why does it blind my eyes?
Perplexed I'm, little do I know,
Why does it elicit rueful sighs.

Always running, running from the light,
For the light does not let me be,
Into the darkness, my desperate flight,
For it is the night, that sets me free.

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