

Path tears ..!!
On a special day,
I felt really good,
Getting strong and capable as I should.

Turning life's challenges into wins,
God nudged me to know my own grins.

I learned how much I can do,
Capable and strong,
it's true.
That day,
I got the key,
To unlocking the best in me.

From back to front in class,
Triumphing with willpower so vast.
judgments come my way,
Forgetting the struggles,
a different display.

In the quiet corners where efforts thrive,
Mistakes won't define,
we'll survive.
One day,
reaching heights unseen,
Proving what we can achieve,

We care for our parents,
dreams in our sight,
Yet, if support falters,
it's a tough plight.
Parents, society,
just believe in us now,
See our potential,
our progress,

In the fabric of dreams,
let trust weave,
Discover what we,
can achieve.

Dedicated to them who are struggling between success and failure in either study or in career..