

Love denied!
She is mad at him.
Although she doesn't want to be, but she can't help it.
Oh fate! how can you be so cruel. How can you show me happiness only to snatch it away without pity.
She wishes it's all a dream, a horrible nightmare that she will eventually wake up from.
But alas, it's REAL.
She is like Moses in the Bible, who was shown the promise Land, but he could not step into it.
How can she get him off her mind she ponders.
Day and night, same thought over and over again.
How can she make this feeling go away. This feeling that cuts through her heart like a hot sharp knife.
Everything reminds her of him. She hears his laughter in the wind, she feels his touch from the sheets, she sees his smile in every picture.
She morns her loss, wishing it's all a joke.
Oh karma! could this be you at work she wonders. Am I paying for my shortcomings she asks. But she gets no answer.
He tells her to move on.
Move on how? She asks in anger.
How do I move past this. How do I end this feeling that has engulfed me like fire over fuel.
Love is indeed pain.
A pain she has to bear, regardless of how painful it is.
It was just like yesterday, when he professed his love to her.
"I want to love you like I have never loved before". Those were his exact words to her.
You are joking she said.
As time moved along, he showed her he really meant every word.
She tried to stop her self from falling so deeply in love. But she couldn't help it. His charm was overwhelming.
She felt it whenever he held her. A feeling that always left her in awe.
And when he kissed her, her heart melted away.
She no longer imagines the future with him. She can see it clearly. It is what she had always wanted.
In the middle of her joy, fate struck!
Biology stands in the way of her forever. Her genotype isn't a match.
How can this be she had asked?
This love was so perfect.
How do I let go she wonders. Will I ever find this love again?


© Obinna Okereke